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About your  Practitioner

Kasia Voorhies is a Licensed and Board Certified Professional in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, a Professional Bowen Therapy Practitioner, an enthusiastic Associate Instructor, and a wellness educator! With her extensive training from Chicago and the prestigious Bowen Academy of Australia, she is truly a standout in her field. As a proud member of the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals, Since 2003 Kasia has brought years of vibrant experience in a clinical setting, passionately offering a customized approach to help her clients thrive with various health conditions! 

Kasia Voorhies LMT, RBP, BCMTB

"Excited to collaborate with you on your journey to a healthier, pain-free version of yourself!"

Community Talk

Kasia presenting " Exploring Bowen Therapy for healing" at the Foothills Library.  Body, posture, pain, nervous system, and restoration with Bowenwork 

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